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NTIA Report into UK Night-Time Cultural Economy Makes Grim Reading

The Covid-19 pandemic has “ravaged” the UK’s night-time cultural economy sector. A new report by the UK’s Night Time Industries Association (NTIA) is grim reading. It reveals 86,000 jobs lost in the sector since 2019. One third of UK nightclubs have been lost due to the pandemic. Approximately only 970 nightclubs remain in the UK.

However, the NTIA report is the first of its kind to deep dive into the UK night-time economy’s worth. It outlines the value of the UK’s night-time cultural economy before Covid-19. The sector was worth £36.4 billion in 2019 and supported 425,000 jobs across the UK.

Incredibly Tough

“This past year has been incredibly tough for the vast majority of night-time economy businesses,” said Michael Kill, NTIA CEO. “The pandemic restrictions have had a devastating impact on a sector which has human interaction at the core of its offering. My hope is that this report will be considered by policymakers as they continue to chart the UK economy’s recovery from the pandemic.” Kill called for the night-time economy to be “at the heart” of the recovery.


London’s Night Czar Amy Lamé welcomed the report. “London’s cultural life after 6pm is something that defines the character and identity of our city like no other sector,” said Lamé. “A city that is as alive, vibrant and diverse at night as it is during the day attracts tourism, creates jobs and helps drive local growth. The economic, social and cultural value of the nightlife is undeniable and until now remained largely unmeasured. The work the NTIA has done in bringing this report to life is welcome. The sector – one of the hardest hit by the devastation of the pandemic – is ready to play its part in our economic and social recovery.”


UK DJ and producer Yousef said the figures in the report displayed “the unbelievably powerful impact” electronic music and the night time economy (NTE) has had on the UK culturally, economically and socially over the last 30+ years. “It’s genuinely fulfilling to see how the NTE has grown and developed as an almost exclusively independent  entrepreneurial sector.”

The NTIA has made a series of recommendations to the UK Chancellor on how to support the night-time sector.

Photo: Long Truong on Unsplash

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